If you’ve never met a sasquatch before, let me take a moment to introduce myself. Some folks know me as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but I actually go by Clyde. Life in the shadows is not easy for a guy like me. Whether it is ordering a pizza, or just trying to get a good Wi-Fi signal, things can get rough down in my neck of the woods!

But you didn't come here to hear me complain about my life; you came here because you need to buy some good quality, robust, animal-style, no nonsense control systems that will get the job right the first time.

Well, that’s where I come in. 

Go ahead and shop to your heart's content, a portion of proceeds go to feed hungry bigfeet like me.

Or, if you want to hear more about my story, keep reading… 

I spent my early years in Germany following folks like Georg Ohm and peeking through the windows of some of the most distinguished universities in Europe. I learned quickly about circuit theory and electromagnetic force.

Around the year 1830, I went into hibernation on a transport ship that was on its way to the Americas. When I awoke, I found myself in Central America. However, I quickly found that the opportunities for me in this area were limited so I made my way north to the United States, a land with so much promise.

When I arrived in the area you know as Texas some years later, I saw many great and wondrous things in my travels. I was witness to the American Civil war, the building of the trans-continental railroad (I helped at night when nobody was looking), and even scared the heck out of Teddy Roosevelt once. 

My favorite time in the last few hundred years has been seeing the radical inventions of the light bulb, the automobile, and television. With all the lights around, it’s a challenge to stay hidden, but it adds an element of excitement for me in trying to maintain my anonymity. 

With the automobile, I got to see more humans on a regular basis because it allowed them to travel further to remote areas where I like to chill and relax. People watching is fun! Now I haven't found a car I could fit in yet, but maybe one day I will.

Oh, and television is great! I love watching the one scene where the guy got a video of me walking in the woods. You humans are so fascinated with my strut!

Recently, I decided to take my electrical expertise into action with some humans I could trust in business and keep my home location safe at the same time. 

What better name to call my new product line than “Sasquatch Controls”?

My human friends even convinced me to brand the products with my awesome classic walk.

I’m excited to come out of my shell and interact with all humans more. I’m quite a friendly guy when you get to know me and I’m especially looking forward to sharing more of my product ideas with you.

Remember, sometimes the most extraordinary ideas come from the most unexpected places, and legends, once hidden in the shadows, can indeed help shape the future. Thanks for joining me out of the woods! 


Clyde A. Sasquatch

Inventor & Founding Partner

Sasquatch Controls